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  • Arab Summit Seeks Economic Integration

    World Bank News Headlines For Wednesday, January 21, 2009: Arab Summit Seeks Economic Integration Summary:"Arab leaders Tuesday pledged 'all forms of support for the reconstruction of Gaza' they wound up...

  • The UN discusses implications of the financial crisis for development and...

    European Network on Debt and Development News: The UN discusses implications of the financial crisis for development and the international financial system Summary: There is no doubt that the financial crisis...


    ADFIMI-KKTCKB Joint Seminar "COMPUTER SPREADSHEET ANALYSIS FOR BANKING OPERATIONS" Girne, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) 30 March-01 April 2009 I have the pleasure of inviting you to ADFIMI's subject matter seminar....

  • African response to the global financial crisis

    African response to the global financial crisis (African Development Bank) The President of the African Development Bank (AfDB), Donald Kaberuka, is participating in a meeting of the Committee of...


    ADFIMI Seminar on 'ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING (ALM)' TUNIS, TUNISIA, 23-25 FEBRUARY 2009 I have the pleasure of inviting you to ADFIMI’s subject matter seminar. The programme will be a 3 day...

  • The Credit Ratings Game

    Working Paper: The Credit Ratings Game Author/Editor: Patrick Bolton, Xavier Freixas and Joel Shapiro Summary: The spectacular failure of top-rated structured finance products based on sub-prime mortgages has brought considerable attention to...

  • How Does the Global Economic Environment Influence the Demand for IMF...

    IMF Staff Papers Vol. 55, No. 4: How Does the Global Economic Environment Influence the Demand for IMF Resources? Author/Editor: Elekdağ, Selim Summary: The main objective of this paper is to quantify...

  • A Debt Overhang Model for Low-Income Countries

    IMF Staff Papers Vol. 55, No. 4: A Debt Overhang Model for Low-Income Countries Author/Editor: Summary: This paper presents a theoretical model to explain how debt overhang is generated in low-income countries...

  • INVITATION TO ADFIMI-IDBE JOINT SEMINAR on ''Asset Liability Management in Banks''...

    I have the pleasure of inviting you to ADFIMI’s subject matter seminar. The programme will be a 3 day event inclusive of a ½ day social programme. The seminar will...

  • Preventing the Future Crisis

    IMF Finance & Development: Preventing the Future Crisis Author/Editor: Sacasa, Noel Summary: The financial crisis has exposed weaknesses in the current regulatory and supervisory frameworks. The recent developments have made it clear...