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  • India 's Potential Growth By: Oura, Hiroko...

    With India's GDP expanding at a rate above 8 percent in recent years, the debate about whether India is overheating revolves mainly about whether growth is above potential-that is, whether the economy...

  • Country Report: SENEGAL

    Senegal: 2006 Article IV Consultation - Staff Report; Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for Senegal  Full Text

  • IDB Declares Active Partnership with United Nations to Help Halve Poverty...

    Speaking at the Steering Group Meeting for Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) through a video link, Dr Ahmad Mohamed Ali, President, Islamic Development Bank, declared IDB’s partnership with the UN program...

  • Japan Bank for International Cooperation signs MOU with IDB and ICD...

    It is expected that these MOUs will lead to increased trade, investment and other business activities between Japan and IDB Member Countries through exchange of useful information, and thereby improve...

  • India's Potential Growth By: Oura, Hiroko

    With India's GDP expanding at a rate above 8 percent in recent years, the debate about whether India is overheating revolves mainly about whether growth is above potential-that is, whether the economy...

  • Country Report: Morocco

    Morocco: 2007 Article IV Consultation-Staff Report; Staff Statement; Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for Morocco  Full Text

  • Tunisia: Selected Issues

    Country Report No. 07/319: Tunisia: Selected Issues

  • Senegal: Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper

    Country Report No. 07/317: Senegal: Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper-Joint Staff Advisory Note Full Text

  • The Risk of a U.S. Hard Landing and Implications for the...

    Transcript of IMF Seminar: The Risk of a U.S. Hard Landing and Implications for the Global Economy and Financial Markets Full Text

  • Malaysia: An Islamic Capital Market Hub

    IMFSurvey Magazine: Countries & Regions September 18, 2007 ISLAMIC FINANCE Malaysia: An Islamic Capital Market Hub Full Text