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  • Seminar On Competency-Based Human Resource Management And Organizational Learning, Crowne Plaza...

    The Seminar on “Competency-Based Human Resource Management and Organizational Learning” was held at Crowne Plaza Mutiara Hotel in Kuala Lumpur from 25 to 27 December 2006.  The Seminar began with the...

  • Establishment of Poverty Reduction Fund within the IDB, 21 February 2007...

    The meeting of an Experts Group held at the IDB Headquarters in Jeddah discussed the establishment of a "Poverty Reduction Fund" (PRF), in accordance with a resolution of the Makkah...

  • The Economics of Islamic Finance and Securitization, an IMF Working...

    Islamic lending transactions are governed by the precepts of the Islamic rules, which bans interest and stipulates that income must be derived as return from entrepreneurial investment. Since Islamic finance...

  • Bangladesh Finance & Investment Co. Ltd.

    Bangladesh Finance and Investment Company Limited (BFIC) provides finance for capital machinery to various industry including construction equipment, energy generating equipment, office equipment, medical equipment and transport. The...

  • Development bank of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

    Development bank of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus announced their 2006 results where total assets have increased by 53.3% from 123.9 million YTL in 2005 to 193.7 million YTL in...

  • Phoenix Leasing Co. Ltd changes its name

    Phoenix Leasing Co. Limited has changed its name to Phoenix Finance & Investments Limited (PFIL). The company already achieved many milestones since its formation. It has opened its 5th branch...

  • The Industrial Development Bank of Egypt

    The Industrial Bank was initially established in 1947 as a state owned joint stock company with a capital of LE 1.5 million to provide specialized financing for the industrial private...

  • Bank of Industry & Mine

    Since its establishment in 1978, Bank of Industry Mine (BIM) has contributed many infrastructural investments directly or indirectly. Financing several cement, steel, transportation and petrochemical projects are some examples. The...

  • Bank Kerjasama Rakyat

    Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Berhad (Bank Rakyat) was incorporated in 1954. As the largest co-operative bank in Malaysia, Bank Rakyat provides complete Islamic Banking facilities for the co-operative movement in...

  • El-Nilein Industrial Development Bank of Sudan

    El-Nilein Industrial Development Bank of Sudan (NIDBG) was constituted in1993 with share capital %99 owned by Bank of Sudan. The main objectives of of the Bank is to promote industrial...