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  • Preventing the Future Crisis

    IMF Finance & Development: Preventing the Future Crisis Author/Editor: Sacasa, Noel Summary: The financial crisis has exposed weaknesses in the current regulatory and supervisory frameworks. The recent developments have made it clear...

  • Cracks in the System: Repairing the Damaged Global Economy

    IMF Finance & Development: Cracks in the System: Repairing the Damaged Global Economy Author/Editor: Blanchard, Olivier Summary: The global economy is facing its worst crisis in 60 years. In the first half...

  • A Crisis to Remember: The Case for Modernizing the Multilateral Framework...

    IMF Finance & Development: A Crisis to Remember: The Case for Modernizing the Multilateral Framework Author/Editor: El-Erian, Mohamed A. Summary: This is a defining moment for the global financial system and, by...

  • When Crisis Collide

    IMF Finance & Development: When Crisis Collide Author/Editor: Claessens, Stijn, Kose, M. Ayhan, and Terrones, Marco E. Summary: The financial turmoil that started in the United States has already affected the real...

  • The Crisis Through the Lens of History

    IMF Finance & Development: The Crisis Through the Lens of History Author/Editor: Collyns, Charles Summary: Economic history is back in vogue. In the first half of 2008, surging prices of oil and...

  • IMF Bangladesh Country Report

    IMF BANGLADESH Country Report No. 07/230 - Released  July 3, 2007 Full Text

  • IMF Country Report for Islamic Republic of Afganistan:

    IMF Country Report No. 07/232: Islamic Republic of Afghanistan: Enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative - Preliminary Document Full Text

  • Trade Openness and Growth: Pursuing Empirical Glasnost, IMF Working Paper No....

    Trade Openness and Growth: Pursuing Empirical Glasnost IMF Working Paper No. 07/156 : Summary: Studies of the impact of trade openness on growth are based either on cross-country analysis-which lacks transparency-or...

  • What Drives Stock Market Development in the Middle East and Central...

    What Drives Stock Market Development in the Middle East and Central Asia--Institutions, Remittances, or Natural Resources? Summary: In this paper, we assess the macroeconomic determinants of stock market capitalization in...

  • Cooperative Banks in Europe--Policy Issues , IMF Working Paper No. 07/159:...

    Cooperative Banks in Europe--Policy Issues: IMF Working Paper No. 07/159 Summary: This paper explains the continuing success of European cooperative banks through evolving comparative advantages. It points out that a...