INVITATION TO ADFIMI-IDBE JOINT SEMINAR on ''Asset Liability Management in Banks'' Safir Hotel, Cairo, 11-13 February 2009.

I have the pleasure of inviting you to ADFIMI’s subject matter seminar. The programme will be a 3 day event inclusive of a ½ day social programme. The seminar will be hosted by Industrial Development Bank of Egypt (IDBE).

The aim of the seminar is to give information on the Asset Liability Management for bankers. The participants will learn about the latest developments on the subject.

All executives and financial institution employees, with a basic accounting knowledge, wishing to have a comprehensive background about the subject are recommended to take this seminar.

You are kindly invited to nominate relevant personnel from your esteemed institution at your earliest convenience and not later than 26 January 2009, PLEASE.

Best regards,

Nuri Birtek
Secretary General

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