ADFIMI mourns the departure of a true friend, Dr Selim Cafer Karatash....

Dr. Selim Cafer Karatash

ADFIMI mourns the departure of Dr. Selim Cafer Karatash, an outstanding economist who devoted his life to the  development of IDB Member Countries. Being awarded a scholarship he completed his university studies in the USA which culminated in a PhD degree in Economics in 1978. Through his 33 years at the IDB, he contributed to the banks activities in almost all areas. Besides being the Executive Director and Board Member of IDB, he also served in the Boards of ICEIC and ICD. Dr. Karatash was An Honourary member of ADFIMI and was always  concerned with its success.

He was full of enthusiasm for the well being of Muslims throughout the world and always encouraged them to work for their bright future. He was full of positive energy stemming from his strong belief in the will of Allah almighty.

This was particularly reflected in his patience and endurance after he underwent a gigantic operation on his stomach when he was discovered to be suffering from cancer. His submission to his destiny was a source of inspiration to all.

Besides his talents as a development economist, he excelled in many languages. His mastery of Arabic was well known in many circles.

He was found of Ibn – Khaldun’s ideas and published papers and delivered talks to disseminate them. Dr. Karatash in short was pious Muslim; a distinguished friend, an excellent father and husband; an admirable brother.

He reminded us of the Quranic verses…..Those who have faith and do righteous deeds,- they are the best of creatures. Their reward is with Allah. Gardens of Eternity, beneath which rivers flow; they will dwell therein for ever; Allah well pleased with them, and they with Him: all this for such as fear their Lord and Cherisher…..

May Allah Almighty bless him and grant him paradise.

We loved him and will miss him dearly.



Nuri Birtek
Secretary General
Mehmet Emin Özcan
ADFIMI Chairman




Click here for Obituary