ADFIMI Launches its new web page 22 May 2007

Assalam-o-Alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh

As promised, ADFIMI’s new web page, by the grace of Allah Almighty, has been posted  today, 22 may 2007. The page is a dynamic one with a flash animation of the basic characteristics of member states which appear on random basis each time the page is renewed. It has a pull down menu and tab sheets on “Upcoming Events”, “News” and “Announcements”. All these contents are dynamic and can managed by a management page.

Regular publications like the newsLetter and Brochure can be downloaded from the web page as well as announcements, especially for seminars.

Web page provides information about ADFIMI to newcomers and special service to its members which will be available when the member institutions log in through their usernames and passwords. Such services will include access to Seminar Notes, Research Papers, Working Papers, Country Reports as well as other avenues of common interest to ADFIMI members.

The page is intended to be interactive, and to start with, you are requested to express your opinion on the “ADFIMI’s New Web Page” by a simple vote and in writing.

We also provide a random appearance of Member Countries in which we presently provide the addresses of central banks of the member countries where a wealth of information is available on the country, its economic performance, exchange rates and the like In time, we intend to provide additional information like addresses of diplomatic missions in each member country.

There is a list of our member institutions and their web page addresses. We will in time provide additional information and features for interaction. You can already send information to be included in our web-page (news) and in the newsLetter through the web page.

In the future, we intend to include a private page for each institution to type in information about their own institutions, to see their accounts with ADFIMI and effect their payments directly on the web page.

We tried hard to produce a web page to your liking and I look forward to your comments and suggestions on the new page.

With my best brotherly regards,


Nuri Birtek

Secretary General